Helping Hands Day


Helping Hands Day began as a way to show you how your “hands-on” volunteer work can make a difference in just one day. Volunteer teams complete submitted projects on a day that works for you. Projects range from various cleaning and yard work for senior citizens and people with disabilities, to facility repairs and maintenance (like painting) for local non-profit groups.

Many times senior citizens are not physically capable of doing their own projects and often can't afford to hire help. Projects for local non-profits help keep their over head costs down so they can focus on their mission.

For more information call 362-5003 or

2024 Project List

1. Appoint a team leader - don't worry United Way staff is here to help!

2. Recruit members to your team and choose a day that works for you!

3. Choose your project from the list (have a backup just in case) and reach out to Shelley at United Way to Register Your Team (use this form or the online form below).

4. Team leader and buddy do a site visit to get a good understanding of the project and put together a list of needed supplies.

5. United Way can purchase supplies. Fill out a Supply Request Form. Once approved, we can pick them up or reimburse you.

6. Have all team volunteers sign the Consent and Permission Form.

7. Complete your project!

Team Members and Shirt Sizes
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Organizations: project requests are accepted from United Way Community partners.

Individuals: project requests from senior citizens and people with disabilities are accepted. An agency referral may be required.

Applications for tree removal services will not be accepted. All requests are subject to review. Once approved, there are no guarantees that a project will be selected by a volunteer team. If selected, United Way staff will reach out to coordinate with the organization or individual with information about the volunteer team.

Home addresses are not listed on the Project List.

Project Request Form

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Helping Hands Day Sponsor
Helping Hands Day Sponsorship (You may select more than one)

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